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Found 16 matches for: 'Susan Gosin' (results sorted by Title). Click the Title for full details.
1: Made in the Midwest
Bruce W. Pepich  - (introduction by)
Walter (Samuel Haatoum) Hamady  - (title)
Beth Grabowski  - (essay by)
Charles Alexander  - (featured artist)
Janet Ballweg  - (featured artist)
Gretchen Lee Coles  - (featured artist)
Lester Dore  - (featured artist)
Jim A. Escalante  - (featured artist)
Marta Gomez  - (featured artist)
Susan Gosin  - (featured artist)
Beth Grabowski  - (featured artist)
Lane Hall  - (featured artist)
Kevin Henkes  - (featured artist)
Kent Kasuboske  - (featured artist)
Katherine Kuehn  - (featured artist)
Jim Lee  - (featured artist)
Ruth Lingen  - (featured artist)
Shiere M. Melin  - (featured artist)
Steve Miller  - (featured artist)
Lisa Moline  - (featured artist)
Jeffrey Morin  - (featured artist)
Stephanie Newman-James  - (featured artist)
Bonnie O'Connell  - (featured artist)
Cathie Ruggie Saunders  - (featured artist)
Susi Schneider  - (featured artist)
Pati Scobey  - (featured artist)
Bonnie Stahlecker  - (featured artist)
Barbara Tetenbaum  - (featured artist)
Walter Tisdale  - (featured artist)
Debra Weier  - (featured artist)
2: Prints & Books
Ruth Lingen  - (title)
Susan Gosin  - (introduction by)
3: Through a Papermaker's Eye
Susan Gosin  - (title)
William Kentridge  - (featured artist)
4: Proceedings of The Fine Printing Conference at Columbia University
Terry Belanger  - (organised by)
Ronald Gordon  - (organised by)
Susan Gosin  - (organised by)
Francis O. Mattson  - (organised by)
Carol Sturm  - (organised by)
Douglas Wolf  - (organised by)
5: Proceedings of The Fine Printing Conference at Columbia University
Ronald Gordon
Carol Sturm
Terry Belanger
Francis O. Mattson
Susan Gosin
Douglas Wolf
6: Read me. Like a Book. 30 Years of Dobbin Books - An Exhibition Review
Robbin Ami Silverberg  - (title)
Susan Gosin  - (review by)
7: Receiver
William Kentridge  - (etchings by)
Wislawa Szymborska  - (poems by)
Susan Gosin  - (papermaker)
Roni Neuer  - (papermaker)
Ruth Lingen  - (typography by)
Barbara Mauriello  - (bookbinding by)
Randy Hemminghaus  - (printed by)
Clare Cavanagh  - (translated by)
Stanislaw Baranczak  - (translated by)

8: Sheets of Evidence
William Kentridge  - (watermarks by)
Barbara Mauriello  - (binding)
Susan Gosin  - (paper maker)
Paul Wong  - (paper maker)

9: I Had a Blueprint of History
Tom Sleigh  - (poem by)
Lesley Dill  - (book artist)
Paul Wong  - (papermaker)
Peter Kruty  - (bookbinding by)
Sayre Gaydon  - (collaborator)
Susan Gosin  - (collaborator)
10: Method
Mark Strand
Susan Gosin  - (book artist)
Russell Maret  - (typography by)
Peter Kruty  - (letterpress by)
Barbara Mauriello  - (bookbinding by)
Paul Wong  - (papermaker)
Amy Jacobs  - (papermaker)
Meredith Walker  - (collages by)

11: Emily Dickenson
Susan Gosin  - (illustrated by)
Emily Dickinson  - (title)
Richard Barrett  - (assisted by)
Paul Wong  - (assisted by)
Julia Loving  - (assisted by)
Alexandra Soteriou  - (bookbinding by)

12: Selected Signs
Eliza Kentridge  - (poems and images by)
Susan Gosin  - (designed by)
13: Paper and Print Collaboration
Kim Berman
Paul Molete
Penny (Penelope) Siopis
Deborah Bell
Susan Gosin
Anne Q. McKeown
14: What is White
Steve Orlando  - (Images & paper by)
Susan Gosin  - (design by)
Barbara Mauriello  - (binding by)
Peter Kruty  - (letterpress text by)
Sayre Gaydos  - (letterpress text by)
15: Lectures in Arkady
Naomi Lazard  - (poems by)
Susan Gosin  - (illustrated by)
Claudia Cohen  - (binding by)
16: Selected Poems
Emily Dickinson  - (poems by)
Susan Gosin  - (illustrated by)

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